
Monday, March 26, 2012

2SF Christa's Monday Challenge, including Momenta

Not sure if I've mentioned this before, but sometimes, Christa is evil lol. She said for this challenge over at Two Scrapbook Friends that we had to use shapes other than squares, hearts, stars and circles.... which of course are everyone's go-tos.... but truly, they weren't mine. I just got a few shiny new punches so at first glance I thought, GREAT! I can use my fab new punches... which are stars and hearts! Darn.

Then I thought about this layout I started EONS ago and never finished. I made the RHS page photo collage a long time ago when I first got my Creative Memories blooming star template (its a flower. not a star lol) and then had no mojo left to finish the pages.

The patterned papers are more of my ancient Momenta stack that I love so much but can't even tell you what its called its so ripped up and beaten! (I bought it damaged and missing the "Summer" section :( )  The orangey cardstock is from DCWV, and then the blings and letters are stash items. I am thinking about going back in and adding some stickers to the second page now that I look at it closely, but I'm not sure.... any suggestions?

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