
Monday, March 19, 2012

CYAO6, Craft Your Passion & Bunny Zoe's

Still going in the Paper Secrets Card Your Ass Off competion... and this is what I was up to this week.

The challenge:

Use 3 of the following products/techniques:
a doily
chipboard element
washi tape

I didn't have any washi tape... or really even know what it was. So I googled (of course) and found out its just tissue tape... so off I went to Michaels to get some Tim Holtz tissue tape... and this card was born.

I used newsprint-style washi tape, licorice twine down the spine of the card, and distressing on my three patterned papers.

Hope you get some inspiration from this.... I'm thinking tissue tape is a ton of fun and can't wait to use it again (although that dispenser is still a little scary lol!)

I also entered this in the Craft Your Passion just sentiments challenge and the  Bunny Zoe's shabby chic challenge - I think this counts as shabby chic?

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love the look of the Tim Holtz tape, might have to investigate.

    Thanks for joining us at BunnyZoe. I also have Candy on my blog if you want to hop over HERE.

    Hugs Tracy x


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