
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Let's Scrap Blog Hop

Hello and welcome to your next stop in the

If you came here from Eniko's blog then you are in the right place! If you did not, Mindi Brown has the hop order to help you find your way.

I am so excited to be involved in this hop! Its my first hop, and I can't wait for all the fun! Let's Scrap is a great website with double layout sketches, card sketches, fun challenges, tutorials, and lots lots more! There are groups of gals getting together to get inspired, get busy, and get some scrapping done!! Head on over and check it out!!

Here is the sketch I am showcasing for the hop:

Here is my snazzy little card...

Caspie really wanted to be involved in the blog hop too! She's really feeling lovey dovey lately, and loved my card... I think she might want to give it to Precious?

I changed the square to a smaller circle for a few reasons. One, I wasn't feeling the square. Two, circles are representative of happiness, family, togetherness... this is why you love them so much on layouts. I thought for a Valentine's Day card a circle would be more appropriate. Three, my patterened paper looked cuter in a circle.

True to the sketch, I used a pile of bling to make the heart. I also added Stardust Stickles to the centre X and O on the pp to enhance it, and some pink glitter glue to the hearts inside the "o"s on love you.

All my supplies are random stash stuff - nothing from any big manufacturers!

Now for the fun part! Here is the RAK I am offering! It is the "home" 8x8 Vintage Findings kit from Making Memories! I stole the photo off the Making Memories website, rather than opening the package and having to get it all back in!

Here is how easy it is to enter for my random draw

*Be or become a member of Let’s Scrap which you can do by clicking here . It is free, easy and fast! Once you get there, I am sure you will love it!

*Become a follower of my blog

*Leave me a comment telling me who your valentine is this year!! My valentine is always my baby sister since its her birthday (xxx)

And if you would like a second chance in the draw

*Make a card from the sketch I have posted and upload it to the gallery at Let’s Scrap. Please tag it as such   2-2-12,LEAP47

Please note there are no spaces and that LEAP is all capitals. 

*Leave a comment with a link to your card on Let’s Scrap.

The hop ends at 11:59 pm Central Standard time February 29th, which you would be able to track using the clock on the main page of Let’s Scrap.

Can't wait to see what you all come up with!


Thanks for visiting,  and joining in on this fun hop! Good luck, and keep hopping!!

Your next stop will be the talented Moira Coward.

If you get lost along the way or have joined the hop in the middle, Mindi Brown is the beginning of the hop. You don’t want to miss any of the fun!


  1. Hi Blog-Hop Neighbor! Someone had some fun with bling! I can't wait to make your perfect for Valentine's Day! Your Making Memories prize is very generous...yummy!

  2. Lovely card, yummy candy.
    My Valentine for this year is my husband! LOL....

    Have fun!

  3. Super card, Tory...lovin' all that bling! I am a member of Let's Scrap, and have been following your blog since you joined L/S a while back! My valentine is my husband! I think I'll keep him for another year!

  4. So excited that the blog has finally started, being in Australia, I am like 15 hours ahead of you girls and have been waiting an extra day.. now I wake up this morning bright and early and can FINALLY start playing with.. yipeee... thank you for all the hard work.. you girls are doing a great job !

    I just love your example card with all that Bling.. so pretty.. and Debby has been doing a great job on the card sketches.. wow, how busy is she !!!

    Have been a member of Let's Scrap forever and am a member of your blog (which is awesome) ! (lol) AND will be making a card soon and will post link here.

    My Valentine is my husband for sure..

    Hugs, Michelle van Wyk

  5. Have created a valentines card for my hubby .. love this sketch.. worked well for this; check it out here:

    Close ups of layout here:

  6. Thank you so much for hosting the Let's Scrap blog hop. Great card, I love all the bling. My valentine would be my husband of 29 years. I am a follower of your blog and a Let's Scrap member.

  7. Love the bling! My Valentine is my dear Mike. We have been together for 3 1/2 years, married for 1 year next month ;)
    Thanks for hosting!

  8. I'm a bling fan too, so love your card! Valentine? Well there isn't any human male in my life at the moment (widow for 10 years), so perhaps I should make one for my new male kitten Caleb, who is such a cutie.

  9. Oh, you got to work with one of the new sketches---cute card! Like the bling!
    I am a long-time member of LS, and I have become a follower of your blog!
    My Valentine is always my DH: he is always there for me, always.

  10. My Valentine is my hubby. We have been married 32 years. Love your card, love the bling and the circles.

  11. Cute card! One can never have enough bling on a card, right? My Valentine is my husband, we are celebrating 9 years since the day we first met tomorrow.

  12. Pretty the bling! I've been a member of LS, and I've joined your blog =) Thanks for being a fellow host...this will be such a fun hop! My hubby is my Valentine =)

  13. I love your "snazzy" little card and how your kitty wanted to get involved in the hop, too! So fun!!!!! I am hopping backwards from 50 back, just to be different! Your blog is awesome! I am a follower and a fellow blog host, too!

  14. cute card and fun sketch. i am a follower and I am a member of let's scrap for a long time. My valentine is my precious little gracie girl who is my granddaughter and 20 months old

  15. Here's the link to my card in the LS gallery for your challenge:

    Thanks again for the great challenge!

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Hi my valentine this year is my hubby of 28 years. I am a follower, fellow hopper and let's Scrap DT. I love you RAK am a vintage nut, so hope I get into the draw. hope you are having fun with the hosting.

  18. hello, I am a member of LS and I am now a follower of you fantastic blog. I am so surprised on how wonderful the "candy" has been on each blog. This is my first blog hop and it has been wonderful

  19. hi, what a cute little card, I can see you are into cats.. I am now a follower, thank you for the great hop. my valentine is my cute little grandson who just started school and will soon be too big for grandma kisses at the door.

  20. Hi,
    This is my first blog hop and I chose your sketch for my first card. I am a scrapbooker, not a card maker, but decided to give card making a try for this blog hop. My Valentine is my wonderful husband of 11 years. We have 1 cat, no kids. Thanks for the inspirational sketch!

  21. Here is the link to my card-
    I hope I did this correctly!

  22. Here is the link to the card I made for you sketch.

  23. I am a new follower and a member of Let's Scrap. Thanks for hosting a stop on the hop.

  24. What a fun card!!!
    Thanks for sharing. I am now your newest follower and am stop#19 on the hop.
    luv'n huggz
    Jen Leeflang

  25. My valentine is definitely my husband and has been for 24 years now. I love him to bits. I am now a follower of your blog and a member of LS

  26. Good morning from Canada's east coast. I am now a follower of your blog and a DT member at Let's Scrap. Love your blog. Thanks for being a blog host, I am enjoying playing with all the host sketches. I am hopping over to LS to post my take on your host sketch.

  27. Here is the link to LS gallery for my take on your host sketch:

  28. HI! I'm back! Here is the link to my card for your blog at Let's Scrap

  29. Hi Tory - here is the link to my card in the LS Gallery - (not sure why it has the wrong description on the link) Thank you for the great hop.

  30. bling!!!!!! love it!! my valentine is my 6 1/2 month old grandson! I am a new follower and a LS member.

  31. Hi Tory - trying this again - Sorry -

  32. Hi Tori - My Valentine is my dad, whose birthday it would have been on Valentine's Day. Sadly, I have not been able to spend his birthdays with him in person because he died 14 years ago, but he will always remain my special valentine!
    I have made a card using the sketch on your post, and you can see it in the LS gallery here :
    luv'n huggz
    Jen Leeflang
    South Africa

  33. Great valentines.My valentine is my boyfriend. Not the 'sweet' variety...thow he does do the sweetest things for me. But he makes me laugh, he has made silly a work of art! We finally found each other at work about 12 yrs ago. And now we are together. I'm so lucky to have found a mand who treats me well. There's also my newest grandson, born the day after thanksgiving! I am a member, and also a follower. TFS

  34. Hi, I am back for a second chance to win your lovely giveaway. Here's the link to my card in the gallery.


    Hi Tory, here is my take on your sketch.
    hope you are enjoying the hop.
    take care

  36. Hi and thanks for hosting. I'm a member of LS and now a follower of your blog. I just started my blog and would love for you to join. My favorite valentine is always my husband and kids....can't do without any of them

  37. Hello! I am a new member to your blog and a member of LS. I like the background to your blog :) My Valentines are my husband and son :) I like your card! It's so fun :) Thank you for hosting!

  38. Love the bling on your card!! Beatiful! My valentine is my wonderful husband, he is my soul mate and makes every day better than the last!

    Laura Alberts

  39. I am now a follower. My Valentine this year was my hubby... he even bought me flowers - very surprising!!!

    My card can now be found here

  40. Hi Tori :)
    I'm one of LS members and one of your followers today :) I don't celebrate Valentine yet I think of my Italian pal whose birthday falls on V-day! Thank you for hosting! I'm happy to know you via blog hop!
    Hugs from Malaysia!

  41. Hi Tory...already a member at LS and have just joined your lovely blog. Your hop card is gorgeous..will enjoy following the sketch as well. My Valentine is of course very year.
    Thanks for sharing and hosting this fun hop.

    Christine from Mauritius

  42. Hi...back again with the link to my hop card at LS. Enjoyed this one. Thanks again.

  43. Back again to leave you the link to my card. Hope you like it.

  44. Back a second time, Tori, for a SECOND chance at that great MM vintage bling--right up my alley! Here's the link to my card in the Let's Scrap Gallery:

  45. Hi from Virginia! Loving the blog hop. My valentine this year is the same one I've had for 33 yrs-my sweet hubbie!
    I'll be back...

  46. I have just become a follower of your blog and I am Sue Wheeler on Lets Scrap. I guess my valentine is my DH.

  47. Hi Tory, I am now a follower to your blog and a member of Let's Scrap for a year now. My Valentine is always my DDH as it is his birthday also.
    Thanks for hosting.

  48. Back again Tory with my link to the gallery with my card.

  49. Here's my card:

  50. Great card! Hope I have time to try the sketch out. I am a member of LS and a follower of your blog.

  51. Hello! Here's my 2nd chance!

  52. Lovely cards.,I'm a follower & LS member

  53. Hi, I am back with my link :)

    thanks so much for hosting :)

  54. Back again with my card.

  55. wow such a cute cards... like ur adjustment with the sketch. ur new follower and a member in LS.

  56. great card. I am your latest follower no 92 today and my valentine is my husband as every year since we met.
    As a member of scrapshare I am going to post my card and will be back soon to post the link.
    Thanks for hosting the bloghop
    Greetings from Germany

  57. You can find my card here
    I didn't add a sentiment yet because I haven't decided for what occasion I am going to use it.


Thanks for visiting and commenting!