
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Paper Secrets Scrap Your Ass Off 2 - Round 1

I have joined this crazy competition over at Paper Secrets! Its last-woman-standing style, and each week we get a different challenge that we have to complete in a week. If you miss a week.... you're out!

So here we go with week 1...

Complete a layout based on the following sketch provided by PageMaps. You must also use 4 of the 8 products listed and 1 of the TECHNIQUES You have 7 days to complete your layout & upload it to our gallery to move on to the next challenge.
Be sure to upload your layout to your personal album & use the keyword "SYAO1"
Your layout MUST be posted in the Gallery album by 11:59 PST on 2/7 to go on to the next round
3+ photo corners
altered or raw chipboard/cardboard

dry or heat embossing

OK - I have to confess, I love this sketch but had a really hard time finding a use for it and ended up not doing one when PageMaps released it the first time around... but I couldn't drop out first round so I had to get it figured out this time... and I am glad I did. It was a lot of fun!

I ended up following the sketch fairly closely. I really liked the "clothesline" look, so that was what I wanted to stay with. These photos are of me and mom in 1990, skating on an area that used to fill with water and ice over every year next to the house. Stickers are Momenta.

The four elements I used were:
3 brads
4 buttons
altered chipboard letters

The techique I used was misting. Its hard to tell unless you know what that Fancy Pants paper looked like beforehand - I used Perfect Pearls so its a little shinier and there are white dots all over as "snow", but I misted very lightly so the background paper would still shine on through :)

 Here is my altered chipboard title. Those letters are "blue foil" so I sprayed them with more Perfect Pearls mist and then used a heat gun to make it set, giving them the white spotty "snowy" look.

 This element is from Precocious Paper. I really like her elements; you will see me using a lot more as I got a huge package full right after Christmas!

This is my brown American Crafts twine with a Recollections brad. I used my glue pen (the blue stuff) to draw out where I wanted the twine to go then stuck it in really fast before the glue switched to repositionable. It is a really easy way I just discovered to do fancy things with twine.

Thanks for visiting!! I am travelling like crazy for work right now so hopefully I will get more time to scrap! 

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